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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Who We Are​​​​​


Our Story

​We manage $ 10,7 billion between fixed income, equities, real assets and balanced portfolios.​​

W​e have a strong regional team

  • 150+ profesionals dedicated to managing and developing opportunities in Latin America. 

  • Investment centers located in Colombia, Chile and Peru. 

  • We are part of Credicorp, a leading group in the Latin American financial sector. ​

Experts in Latin America

  • ​Succesful in executing and monitoring the best investment ideas in Latin America.

  • Local resources and deep understanding of the domestic market.

  • Extensive local network with access to business leaders, the public sector, consultants and intermediaries.

​​We focus our work on customer service​

  • Focus on generating value for our customers.

  • Platf​orm dedicated to customer service. ​

​Find more about our Mutual Funds clicking here​​.



Responsible and sustainable in​​​vestments​


Responsible and sustainable investments are strategies and practices incorporating environmental, social, and governance criteria (ESG) in the investment process.

The objective is to improve the risk profile and the potential returns of the investments based on the companies’ sustainability as an additional driver of financial performance.

A pillar of our investment philosophy​​​

Our investment philosophy incorporates a responsible investment approach to improve our assessment of risks and opportunities.​


Our Commitment

​Since June 2020, Credicorp Capital Asset Management became a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) supported by the United Nations. PRI is a global leader in the promotion of responsible investment.

Our Strategies

​We combine diverse responsible and sustainable investm​ent strategies to improve the traditional analysis of risk and opportunities. By incorporating ESG factors, we obtain a broader and richer perspective of our investments, which allows us to enhance the risk-return profile of the assets that we manage.

​​Thematic Investments

​Thematic investmen​​ts allow us to address specific environmental or social challenges or necessities, generating competitive financial returns simultaneously.

Our policies and guidelines​